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- From Howald 91406
- I found out why I was having so much
- trouble with FASTLOAD. I bought a
- FASTLOAD cartridge when I bought my
- 1541 last December. I had an early
- version of it. I just bought another
- and !WOW! is it different!! This one
- has a bigger menu and it does every-
- thing I want to do.
- --------------------------------------
- From Jenkins 76903
- I have a comment that I hope you
- will pass on to Larson 98371. In
- Issue 14's Influx, I noticed she was
- having trouble with copying her
- LOADSTAR disks. She might be using the
- wrong name for her copied disks. I
- found out, from copying my own disks,
- that the name of the disk has to be:
- 'LOADSTAR #XX S-X' where XX and X are
- the issue number and the side number
- of the disk. That may be part of her
- problem.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- I would like to recommend the
- Seikosha GP-550 CD printer. It's
- marketed by Apropros Technology and
- is a fine piece of equipment. It
- offers a variety of features such as:
- several fonts, variable space
- printing, tractor or friction feed,
- and more. I also have it from
- Batteries Included that PaperClip
- fully supports this printer.
- --------------------------------------
- From Kober 75831
- Information for Shaffer 50312
- There is no valid WEDGE command
- @UI. The command most likely intended
- was @UJ, which does in fact, reset the
- disk drive. This can also be written
- as @U:. These are two of the USER
- commands explained in the 1541 USER'S
- The @* command in DOSPLUS is the
- same as the WEDGE's @UJ or @U:, except
- that a short time delay has been
- included in the @* routine to allow
- reading in a portion of the drive's
- DOS version message.
- This message is in the ROM of the
- drive, and can be read as follows:
- 1. LOAD and RUN DOSPLUS or the
- C-64 WEDGE.
- 2. Turn the disk drive off, and
- then back on.
- 3. Enter @ and RETURN.
- This message is read by the drive
- anytime the drive is reset, as error
- number 73 DOS MISMATCH. Since the
- drive is reset when it is first turned
- on, and entering @ will read the disk
- error message, this will then read the
- DOS version message.
- This error will also be encountered
- when trying to write to a disk that
- has been software write protected with
- the 'WRITE GUARD' program found on
- Here is a short BASIC program that
- is identical to the ML routine found
- in DOSPLUS that is executed when @* is
- entered.
- 10 OPEN 1,8,15
- 20 PRINT#1,''UJ''
- 30 FOR I=1 TO 1000:NEXT
- 40 GET#1,A$:IF A$<>CHR$(67) THEN 40
- 50 PRINT A$;
- 60 GET#1,A$:IF A$<>CHR$(44) THEN 50
- 70 CLOSE 1:END
- To explain what was meant in the
- program DOSPLUS concerning the ability
- to UN-NEW a BASIC program even after
- entering SYS 64738, the following is
- offered.
- To UN-NEW a BASIC program (after
- entering SYS 64738), follow this
- sequence (with DOSPLUS loaded):
- 1. Enter SYS 52224 (This resets
- 2. Enter @#8 (This resets the
- default device to 8).
- 3. Enter @U (This UN-NEWs the
- BASIC program).
- Should any further information be
- wanted, I may be contacted directly
- by mail at:
- R.W. Bob Kober
- P.O. Box 181
- Buffalo, Texas 75831
- ---------< end of article >-----------